Grandparent Discoveries Blog

The Power and Importance of Play: Outdoor Play

Cheryl Beaudoin

“Time in nature is not leisure time; it’s an essential investment in our children’s health (and also, by the way, our own).”  —Richard Louv, author, Last Child in the Woods 


This is the second in a series of occasional posts I have planned about of the importance of play. Summer is a great time to talk about outdoor play and how important it is for children—and also the perfect time to get outside and play. 

Many grandparents will recall playing outdoors much of the time during their childhood. I myself was one of those kids who came in when the street lights came on! I was always playing outdoors: running and climbing, inventing games with my friends, exploring nature. Even in winter months I would play outside: building snow forts, making snow angels, throwing snowballs, exploring icicles, and going sledding. My love of the outdoors continued into my teen years, when I worked at outdoor camps for kids.  

Times are certainly different now, with kids spending less time outdoors and more times with screens. But the outdoors still awaits our grandchildren, offering fun, creativity, and discovery. There has been much research on the benefits of being outdoors in terms of emotional and cognitive rewards. For example, being outdoors and moving our bodies helps us stay physically fit; the sights and sounds of nature can help with anxiety and depression; connecting with nature nurtures creativity and sense of wonder. Just think about how you feel after taking a quick walk outdoors—it can be completely mood changing! The same goes for our grands.  

As a teacher, I always made sure my students got their scheduled recess time, but I also tried to get them outdoors any other time I could. We would take those opportunities to move our bodies, listen to a read aloud, or look for patterns and sounds in nature. It was rejuvenating in so many ways, and we would return to the classroom ready to learn both with our bodies and minds. 

So, what are some fun ideas and activities we can do with our grandchildren outdoors? They can be as simple as pushing them on a swing, going for a walk, or jumping in puddles after a rainstorm. A great thing about outdoor play is that you can decide how simple or scripted it can be. A few ideas could be: 

  • Scavenger hunt for items in nature 

  • Go to a pick-your-own farm to pick berries or flowers 

  • Go for a walk or hike 

  • Do water play outside, with containers for measuring and pouring 

  • Make a rock sculpture 

  • Do any type of gardening—even weed pulling! 

  • Play in the mud—yes, really! 

The education staff at Discovery Museum has recently put together several resources to guide families in outdoor play and outline some of the health benefits. Check out 40 Ideas for Outdoor Fun and Nature and Your Health. And you can find LOTS of other ideas of things to do outdoors in the Backyard and Beyond section of the Discovery at Home web page—in six different languages! 

I have been thinking about outdoor play a lot these past couple of weeks as I gear up for Year 2 of Camp Gigi! I will be taking a different approach this year so stay tuned for details as the summer unfolds. 

Now, I'd love to hear from you! What are your favorite activities to do with your grandchildren outdoors? How do you think being outdoors affects your grandchildren? What, if any, differences do you see in them after being outdoors? Comment below or email me at gpdiscoveries [at] (gpdiscoveries[at]gmail[dot]com).



a grandmother pushes four young children in a large swing, outdoors
Cheryl Beaudoin

Hi, I’m Cheryl: grandmother, retired Kindergarten teacher, longtime friend (and current Board member) of the Discovery Museum—and now, blogger!  As a grandparent, I try to apply what I learned as a teacher about children and their development to strengthen my relationships with my grandchildren and bring them joy. My hope for this blog is to engage with other grandparents in the Museum community to collect and share stories and ideas about the joys—and challenges—of grandparenting, and how we can connect and deepen our relationships with our grandchildren. Please join me in this wonderful journey we are on—I look forward to hearing from you! Use the comment box at the bottom of any blog post or email me at


Tom Beaudoin

Sun, 08/07/2022 - 17:55

Gigi is my beautiful wife. She is an awesome mother to our three children, great mother in law and now the best grandmother. I hope you enjoy her blogs as I do. 

Donna Aykanian

Wed, 12/07/2022 - 15:51

I am a grandmother of one beautiful girl.  I started caring for her at 4 months and she is now approaching 2 yrs old in January.  I love spending 3-days a week with her and watching her grow and learn new things everyday.  Whenever she sees me, she says “take a little walk’?  We take lots of walks, she collects rocks, pine cones, sticks, etc.  my front porch has lots of toys and a kitchen and playhouse.  We are rarely inside unless we are napping or eating lunch.  I take her to stores and malls to explore too especially now with holiday decorations.  In the summer we swim in my dads pool and play with her water table.  She’s obsessed with all types of construction vehicles and so we drive around looking for road work and anywhere we can find them.  She’s obsessed with Moana and Cocomelon too!  I look forward to everyday I get to be with her❤️




Tue, 12/13/2022 - 11:31

In reply to by Donna Aykanian

Donna, thanks for reading the blog and sharing your grandparent experience with your granddaughter.  I love that you incorporate outdoor play during your time with her.  It’s certainly important to have children experience and play outdoors - it provides them with lots of nature feedback important for their mood as well as curiosity.  I’m definitely on the same page as you in terms of looking forward to being with my grandchildren - I feel so blessed to be able to spend so much time with them.  Thanks again for your comments.

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